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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Viva Madrid

Just a quick post, we made it to Madrid today after a 17 hour bus ride....it went suprisingly fast. Our good friend Nerea picked us up in the city and we are staying with her tonight, and tomorrow, and the next day, and so on....when we told her we were thinking of staying two weeks she responded with, "Only two weeks? Why not longer?" and she was absolutely sincere. We are going to a show tonight at the Joy Eslava Theatre where she is doing film work for the concert and her boyfriend is managing the performers. Should be a lot of fun. Hey mom, she has the blanket you made her on the couch....she is still very thankful. Well, we are in good hands here. Hasta la proxima!


  1. Hey ther Todd and G-Lady!!! I love reading about your adventures and visualize all you write in my head. Please give Nerea hugs from me. Taylor got to talk to you and I am glad. I will tell Mom about the blanket, she will smile. I love you both to pieces and hope your medicine bag has brought you the 'good'medicine it is supposed to!! Did you try a fried Mars bar in Scotland? So, I got my taxes back and when Dad asked me what my plan was for the refund. I told him I was thinking I would by a boat!! Better than last years response of "getting a boob job"!! I love you guys and till next time..Adios

  2. Hi Guys! Great updates, and be sure to tell Nerea "Hi" from all our us!! Sorry we missed your call. Would loved to haved talke with you guys! Yes, Danelle is right..this year's response was much better...ha, ha. Drew said "Hi"...he came over yesterday and picked up the bike...started snowing pretty good when he got about a mile down the road..he had a pretty good laugh about it. We're going to meet for fish and chips on Tuesday night...should be fun! All is well here...keep up the good work! Love to all,

    Dad and Mom

  3. Hola, mi familia...como esta?

    El Padre, aqui...

    Just saying lots of love to you both...

    Con amor,

