Looking For Something Specific

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Updating Like a Mad Man! Yeah!

Well, today we headed into town to catch a bus tp thr D-Day beaches, namely Omaha beach and the American Cemetary in the area, as well as the many memorials. We got into town fine, yet when we walked towards the bus station we had been to on Friday we quickly realized that it was Sunday and we were in a town that still operated on a different schedule on Sunday. Very refreshing to see, actually. Where the bus station had previously rose from the open square, there were now hundreds of vendors in a traditional open air market. There were now people buying fresh fish and whole pig heads where the buses were picking up people a day ago. We pretty much figured that today was not the day to make this trip and walked the market a bit and decided to find the local tourist office for more complete bus information to the beaches. We ended up asking some police officers for some help, but not speaking French too well usually causes one to get a general idea of where to go and necessitates leaving the precise details to fate. We ended up asking another woman for directios about ten minutes later and she graciously asked another woman for directions, another woman who spoke English and had taught a summer camp in the States many years ago. They got us to the tourist office, which was closed...Sunday...., yet proceeded to take us through the market to a bus information station, which was closed....Sunday. The one woman gave us great instructions through the city to free museums and sites, confirming the notion that Monday would be a better day to take the bus. She said she would take us around but she was really hoping to do some shopping, almost apologising for it. We told her that was fine, but if we got lost again it was all her fault (obviously this is not true) but we did thank and told not to worry. We spent the day at several different attractions and museums. We saw the spot where Joan of Arc was burned at the stake and a lot of art dating back to the 1500's. We ended our day by going to a Memorial Museum, but it recommended 4 hours to see wveryhting and we only had an hour and a half, which we occupied reading the books in the gift shop (we figured we had taken the time to get there and might as well enjoy it a bit). If we have time tomorrow we will pay the entrance fee and see the museum. So, until tomorrow....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Old World Travelers! Wow, you guys are having an AWESOME time! Isn't the world a pretty cool place to hang out..if people would just stop getting in the way of everyone getting along...heck, it just might work out...! Great updates and we can't believe all the fun you are having! We're going to get Mom signed on today, so that she can keep you posted. By the way, Todd, your passport was sent to the house..seems you left it at the Littleton DMV...? Thought you'd be happy!
    They returned it with a nice note that they had kept it in their safe for you and just found it! All is well here...lots of snow the last 4 days..yuck...Hey, just remember...Don't Sweat the Petty Things, and don't Pet the Sweaty Things...should be able to go just about anywhere keeping that in mind.


    Dad and Mom
