Looking For Something Specific

Saturday, January 16, 2010

What Are Plans for Anyways?

Well, like is the case with any good trip, the aforementioned plans were not the course that we ended up taking. Rather than head south through Ireland, we hopped a bus to Belfast in Northern Ireland. We spent a good two hours walking the city and looking for hostels in a wind that about knocked us over...all while laughing...which was fun. We ended up finding a hostel across town (should've turned right instead of left when leaving the bus station) and have decided that our new plan is look ahead and see where about hostels are located. We spent the day hiking around town and looking at the murals strewn about the city. Apparently Belfast has more political murals than any other city in the world. The murals were divided according to which side of the town they were on: you have the Loyalist and Republican sides. Although this division does not officially exist any more, this division is still evident on the walls. The city has a very turbulent past, even up until fairly recent times. Yet, as always, the people have been great, extremely helpful and friendly. Tomorrow we are heading further north on a bus tour to see Giants Causeway and Carrick-a-rede rope bridge. Nice thing is that we want to head up this same coastline to camp, as everyone has said the coast is amazing, and the tour is free because we booked two consecutive nights with our hostel. So, we are going to take the tour and get off the bus after the sights and not return to Belfast, thus saving us the cost of a tour and the cost of a bus fare...yee haw! The plan is to camp on the coast, yet, as we are out of season, many of the sights are closed for official camping. So, now the unknown variable will be how easily we can find a farm, more specifically a farm with an owner nice enough to let us camp on his property. According to the 'unofficial' advice of the tourist bureau agent it should be quite easy. Wish us luck everybody and, once again, we will get pictures up at some point. Until the next internet connection.....maybe it will be a nice farmer with WI-FI...Ha!

1 comment:

  1. Hey O' Great Wanderer's...thanks for the update. Sound really cool...as they say, " I Rish I was in Ireland..." (or was that Dixie?)..guess it doesn't matter...Yea, Befast was the center of all the IRA terrorist activities in the 70's and early 80's...they did not like British rule...guess it was an Irish Catholic thing...hm...

    Hey, keep the hits a'comin...be safe and have fun!


