Looking For Something Specific

Friday, January 15, 2010

The Eagle Has Landed!!!

Well folks...we made it to Dublin! So far everything is going great...a bit jet lagged...well "a bit" might be an understatement...we slept from 4:30 p.m. til this morning, somewhere in range of 12 hours. Spent the day walking around Dublin and took a tour of the Guinness store house. Crazy thing about that place is that 250 years ago Sir Arthur Guinness purhased the four acres for the factory for 100£ and signed a 9000 year lease on the property and a direct line into the spring water, a 9000 year lease that ensures that the owneres of Guinness only pay 45£ per year on the orignal four acres for the term of the lease. Not a bad deal! Another cool thing about the tour is that the bar at the end of it all is surrounded by glass and overlooks all of Dublin. It has quotes from books like "Finnegan's Wake" and "Ulyssess" posted on the glass,which coincide with landmarks (buildings and parks) that the quotes mention or describe. Currently we don't have a usb cord to connect our camera to the computer, but once we do we will get some pictures up. Today we are going to visit my ancestor's gravesite in Tullamore and then are going to find a place to camp for the night. We will keep everybody posted and hope everyone is doing well....Stay Classy San Diego...(which loosely translated means whale's...whoa, this is a family blog...I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree!)


  1. Dude, I'm way jealous man! I'm seriously looking into what it would take to get out there on the tail end of your guys' trip! Glad you guys made it safe and are having fun so far!

  2. Todd and G-Lady, thanks for the update my Irish Son and daughter-in-law. Glad you made it to the Guinness building...I see the time change has not affected your priorities! Hey, seriously, hope you have a great adventure, get to ride on some chicken buses and meet a lot of new friends! It will be a great life journey for both of you. Will write you more later on...love ya both! (Same amount!)
    Love, Dad.

  3. So jealous, wish I could be with ya'all, someday I'll get there... in the mean time I'll just a raise a glass of Tullamore Dew to your adventure.
    Blessed Be

    A Deb
